For baseball and softball players (both boys and girls from 8-18) who:
Know that they have more ability, more skills, or more talent than has been actually showing up in competition...then this is for you!
Are batters who strike out in crucial situations, lose their confidence, and can't get it back before the next at bat.
Coach has been telling you that you need to get more aggressive or get some swagger.
Are too nervous or even some shaking when facing a better player.
Are pitchers who can’t let go of mistakes like walking a couple players or allowing a home run.
Struggle to control their emotions and beat themselves up in the dugout and for days after a game.
feel like your window of opportunity, to get to the next level, is closing...this is for you!
...whose parents want their kids to learn powerful success and life skills through their love of playing sport - courage, dedication, determination, and fearlessness!